Important Changes to Our Automotive Technician Program
Dear Community Members,
We wanted to inform you about some important changes to our Automotive Technician program at Rochester Community & Technical College (全球赌博十大网站).
Firstly, we are excited to announce that we will be transitioning our annual car auction to the MinnBid platform. This change will streamline the auction process, increase revenue for our program, and allow our faculty to focus more on teaching and student instruction. You can see vehicles on http://mnbid.mn.gov.
Secondly, we have decided to suspend all general public repairs provided by our Automotive Technician program. This decision was made to better align our resources with our primary mission of educating and training our students. While we appreciate the opportunity to provide car repairs for the community, we have decided to prioritize student learning opportunities.
We understand that these changes may impact some members of our community, and we want to express our gratitude for your understanding and continued support. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Matt Durand, M.Ed.
Interim Dean of Career, Technical, Business and Workforce Education/Foundation Director
H1004 • 507-280-3152 • matt.durand@tsunoi-toso.com